Monday, March 3, 2008
I Want to be Your Knight - Ch. 28
I raised the glass of ale to my lips, just as both of our comlinks went off. Sighing, I dropped the glass back to the table, and pulled out the infernal device. Seeing that it was a summons from the Council, I raised my eyes and met Seha's. Interest and concern shone in hers, and I stood up, dropping a few credits on the table. Holding my hand out towards her, I gave her a grin. "Come on, we don't want to keep Kyp waiting to long."
Her hand slid into mine; thin, warm and soft. An almost shy smile touched her lips as I helped her from her chair. Hand in hand, we left the bar and hurried to the Temple which was just a few blocks away.
Together we stepped into the antechamber for the Council to find Jysella waiting for us. Her back was towards us, as she faced the door. I found something odd about her pose, a tenseness that I really did not remember her having before.
Seha called out, "Hey Jysella."
Jys tossed a glance over her shoulder, a smile forming on her face. As soon as her eyes met mine, the smile froze, half-formed. Her eyes flicked down to where our hands clasped, and I suddenly had to fight the urge to drop Seha's hand. That half-frozen smile was only there for a half a second or so before it had once more formed into Jys' usual smile. As she walked closer to us, I even doubted whether or not I had seen the look.
As the two girls chatted, I watched Jysella. Trying to figure out what she was thinking. Yet I couldn't.
I closed my eyes and exhaled lightly, trying to find my center once more. Surprisingly, it was easier than I had expected.
I opened my eyes and glanced over at Seha. Her eyes shifted towards me for a second and then she smiled brilliantly. I felt a smile answer her, and then the doors to the Council swung open. I dropped Seha's hand and the three of us walked in. With a start I realized that something was slightly different. For the first time since we had been paired up as a group, I wasn't standing in the middle.
I broke the usual rules of decorum for the Council and shifted my head to look across Seha and saw Jysella standing on the far side of her.
I stomped down hard on my emotions before they could escape and then looked ahead to where Kyp was sitting. He looked even wearier than the last time I had seen him. Master Veila stood up, and glanced down at Kyp for a moment before focusing directly at me. "Padawan Skywalker. The Council has been given an unusual request. One which we Jedi tend to not honor when we do receive them, as we feel that these tasks are better suited for civil security forces. But because of a family history between the requester and yourself, we have decided to allow you to chose whether or not we should accept this mission."
I nodded my head. "I understand."
Tahiri gestured and I felt someone enter into the chambers. I turned and saw my dad's old friend, Lando Calrissian, walk in. He looked ancient, and lacked the smile that was an almost trademarked image. A far, far different man than the one who had taught me how to play Planetary Poker when I was seven. He was even a far different man than the one I had seen last back when I was still under Jacen's tutelage. Walking beside him was his wife whose sadness seemed to radiate in the Force.
Tahiri spoke. "Mr. Calrissian, you may present your request."
Lando nodded his head. "Thank you Tahiri." He stepped forward as Tahiri sat down and focused on me. "Hey, kid. It's been a few years."
I grimaced slightly, knowing exactly how many years it had been, and what had happened the last time we had been together. "That it has."
"I'm calling in my marker."
I closed my eyes and felt my jaw clench in anticipation. I always knew that this day would come, and I had always feared it. After a moment, I opened my eyes and lifted my head to focus on Kyp. "I accept the mission, Master."
I felt the Master's, as well as Jysella's and Seha's shock at what I had just done. I guess I could understand their surprise. After all, it's rather rare for me to accept a task without hearing the whys and wheres and what nots first.
Lando nodded his head, and then walked over to the computer console that was along one wall. He laid his datapad on the terminal, and activated the system. The holographic generators sprang to life and suddenly before us was the image of a little girl. She appeared to have been around five standard years old, and had cream colored skin and jet black hair. Though it had been a few years since I had seen her, I instantly recognized her. She looked so much like her mother after all.
Lando spoke. "This is a recent image of my daughter Cassa. Six days ago she was abducted from her school on Sinteria. I... Ben, I need you to find her for me."
I nodded, and felt my heart clench tight. "I... I'll need all the information you have." Then I looked towards Kyp. "Master, I'll need a few weeks leave please."
My teammates erupted from beside me. Seha stepped forward, her hand shooting out to my shoulder and twisting me around to face her. "No, Ben. We're all in this together. You've taken this mission, so we've all done so."
I glanced at her, and saw the determination on her face. My eyes shifted beyond her and found Jys, who was frowning and you could feel her stubborn obstinacy even without the Force. I felt my heart clench in my throat. Made cold and heavy by the simple fact that I didn't deserve their loyalty, especially where Lando was concerned.
Jys caught my stare for a moment, and then looked towards Kyp. "Master Durron, we'd all like to take this mission, but if you're not going to approve it, then I guess we'd all like to have a leave of absence."
Kyp sighed. "You are all granted permission for a leave of absence."
I looked at him, and suddenly realized the reason for how troubled he looked. Kidnappings were not the purview of the Jedi Order, but Kyp owed Lando something, but I seriously doubted if he owed him as much as I did.
I looked at Lando. "We'll need all the information you have, and we'll be leaving in the Jade's Scion for Sinteria in a few hours."
Lando nodded his head. "Thank you, Ben."
I shook mine. "No. This is for what I owe Cassa. It has nothing to do with you."
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4:52 PM
Labels: Ben Skywalker, Benella, I Want to be Your Knight, Jysella
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