They haunt his dreams.
Bright shining orbs, dollops of bright, crystallized viridian, the color of the shallow seas of Perimor IV. The eyes are framed by a pretty face and unbounded hair – hair that is bright in its own way, the yellow of a star or the hue of Adumarian star flowers.
He doesn't know who they belong to or where he has seen them before.
All he knows is that they're inordinately important to him.
He needs them. He doesn't know how or why, it's one of the things he cannot explain. But it is something he knows instinctively.
The smell assaults his nose, a burning fire ripping through his nostrils - attacking the sensitive sinus membranes.
He opens his eyes to see the room around him burning. Large, burned gashes in the wall bleed black ichor. Arrayed around him are a dozen Yuuzhan Vong warriors and shapers. Their bodies twisted and contorted by burns and pains which he doesn't feel or understand.
He coughs once; the acrid stench of some arcane creature leaving an oily taste on top of his tongue.He tries to speak; what comes out is a harsh growl - as much animal as human.
He becomes aware of his ears as he tries to sit up straighter in whatever it is that holds him. As he does, a sharp, shooting pain strikes at his inner ear, as the room he's in wavers in and out of focus.
He closes his eyes, waiting as the waves of nausea and dizziness fades away.
The low tone which has been ringing in his ears since he awakened finally fades away, allowing the dull throb in the front of his head to retreat slightly. He tries to sit up again, pushing against the fibrous roots which hold him.
He feels knives scrapping the inside of his throat as he speaks. A tickling sensation in the back of his throat; He coughs and spits out a mass of thin white fibers.
"Hello? Anyone there?"
Speaking still feels like someone ripping parts of his throat out, or shoving hot coals down it. He swallows, and ignores the pain.
Scanning the room once again, he wonders where he is at. The last thing he remembers was the fight over Myrkr - the battle to destroy all the existing clone tissues.
He runs his hand down the side of his body.
He frowns, his skins feels different. Leathery. Older. He shakes his head, trying to clear the cobwebs from his head. He finally struggles out of the container he had been in. He brushes away the last of the thin fibers from his shoulders. The movements causing him to shudder - an instinctive action caused by the feel and texture of his skin. He spies a reflective surface and glances into it.
Sound escapes his lips - a groan of confusion and surprise. His eyes are still their bright, shining blue, yet his skin is the grey of a Yuuzhan Vong.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Themed Drabbles Set 18
7:49 PM
Labels: Anakin Solo, Drabbles
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