Friday, April 18, 2008
Memories Ch. 6-2
Anakin sat up in his bed. He stretched his arms out, yawning loudly. A quick glance at the chrono revealed it was just a bit before 0800. He rubbed at his eyes, still sleepy after Sannah's attempt to play a trick on him in the middle of the night.
For a moment, he considered lying back down, but then put the thought from his head. Instead he stood up and quickly dressed in an outfit that was reminiscent of the things his father always wore.
Once dressed, he walked from his bedroom and towards the kitchen.
He entered the room, noticing Mara behind the counter, preparing some type of food; Tahiri already seated at the table.
"Good morning." He called out happily.
"Morning, Anakin," Mara replied. "You're up early - after all, you don't have lessons today."
Anakin nodded once. "I know. What about Jaina?"
"She's probably still asleep. Though she has practice in a bit, so she'll have to get up very soon."
He stopped by the counter and picked up the plate that Mara had prepared for him and then sat down at one of the places at the table. Around his first bite of food, he said, "I'll wake her up later."
Mara nodded her head and then focused once more on her cooking.
A few moments later, she came around from the counter and poured some caf into a cup for Anakin. Tahiri held out her cup. "Can I have some as well?"
Mara smiled at her, and then poured some into Tahiri's cup. Tahiri took a sip and then yelped in pain. "Hot! Hot! Hot!"
Mara winced for a moment. "I'm sorry, Tahiri, I thought you knew it would be hot." Then she returned to the counter and began chopping something.
Anakin finished his breakfast and then glanced over at Mara, "Thanks for the meal, Aunt Mara."
Tahiri chimed in, "Thanks for the meal from me too!"
Anakin pushed his chair back from the table and stood. "I think I'll go to my room now."
Then he walked around the table, heading towards the door. As he passed Tahiri she reached out and grabbed his shirt.
"Anakin, you're so mean."
Suppressing a smile, he glanced over his shoulder and looked down at her. "Tahiri? How long have you been there?"
She bolted out of her chair. "I've been here since the beginning!"
Anakin turned and faced her, a small smirk sitting on his face. "Sorry... I really didn't see you there."
"I asked her to come over again," Mara said from the kitchen. "I think it's more fun to eat when there are more people."
Tahiri dropped her head slightly. "So Anakin, what are you doing today?"
He thought for a moment before replying. "I think I'm going to reprogram the locks."
She frowned. "How boring. This is your day off from training. You need to do something more fun. Reprogramming locks today would be a waste. Wouldn't you rather hang out with me?"
Anakin gasped and stepped back from her. "Stealing food?"
She clenched her fists and stomped her foot. "No!"
Then she reached into a pocket and pulled out two small sheets of flimsies.
Anakin leaned closer. "Movie tickets?"
"Yeah," Tahiri replied. "Miss Mara gave them to me. So do you want to go?"
Anakin turned towards Mara. "So, what types of movies are playing right now?"
Mara shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not certain, but there should be something you could watch with those."
He tapped at his chin for a moment, before responding to Mara again. "So Aunt Mara, do you want to go see a movie with me?"
Tahiri's mouth dropped open.
Mara smirked. "It sounds like fun."
She spun to look at Mara, shock etched onto her face. After a moment, she faced Anakin again, her face falling.
Then Mara laughed. "I'm joking. I have some things to do today, and Jaina has training. So the two of you go and have fun."
He nodded his head, thinking out loud. "A movie should be good every once in a while."
Tahiri threw her arms up and squealed. "Then it's decided, we're going to a movie!"
She paused to gather her thoughts and then focused once more on Anakin. "Then let's meet around dusk at the entrance to the shopping district." When Anakin nodded his head once quickly, she turned to Mara. "Thanks again for the meal, Miss Mara."
Then she hopped out of the room. Anakin watched her go and then dropped back into one of the seats.
"Huh, a movie with Tahiri."
Mara smirked at him. "It's a date."
Anakin frowned. "Don't say weird stuff like that."
Jaina clumsily stepped into the room, dressed in an over-sized t-shirt which she used as a sleeping gown. "Date? What date?"
Anakin looked at her, a frown on her face. "Go to sleep."
She dropped into one of the chairs at the table, directly across from Anakin. "But I just woke up."
"I'm proud of you, apprentice," Mara said as she brought Jaina a plate of food. "You've managed to wake yourself up."
Jaina began eating, and then thought for a moment. "I heard someone by the door, there was a crash and a girl's voice said 'ow. That hurt.'"
Anakin barked a short laugh. "So, Tahiri fell down again."
"I guess she was too happy," Mara said. "She could've just not watched where she was going and fell down."
Anakin shook his head. "No, she's been that way for a while - a tad clumsy."
Mara's head snapped towards him, interest shining on her face. "You've known her for a long time?"
Anakin nodded his head. "She was my friend when I was in training before. Every now and then, I get flashes of her in the snippets of memory I have."
"Maybe it's you she's been waiting for," Mara whispered.
Anakin frowned and looked at her. "Huh?"
"Excuse me," Mara replied with a smile. "I'm just talking to myself."
Anakin watched Mara for a few more moments and then turned his attention to Jaina who was swaying slightly in her seat. She lifted a bite to her lips and slowly chewed, her eyes closed the whole time.
Anakin sighed. "Sleep or eat. Pick one."
He let out another small sigh as she dropped her head to the tabletop and began to lightly snore.
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10:26 PM
Labels: Anakin Solo, AU, Memories
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