Saturday, May 13, 2006

Hunt The Moment

Saba clings to the side of the rock wall, her body still except for a slight tremor in her tail. Her tongue darts out, tasting, smelling. One thought drills through her brain, washing away years of Jedi training. Prey.

Above her, perched on a small ledge, is her companion in this hunt, she can’t smell him, as he’s downwind of her and her prey, but she knows he is there, his calm, cool collected mind a beacon in the Force, grounding her, reminding her that she is a Jedi and not just a barabel, not just the hunter.

Inching slightly lower, she is able to finally see the prey. A group of slavers, cackling over their latest haul of slaves. The thought is enough to send a shiver through her, for the thought of slavers sends little shocks of anger through her that is very un-Jedi.

Sending a nudge to her companion through the Force, she leaps into the midst of the slavers. Igniting her saber, she allows a grin to spread the lips, revealing rows of carnivorous teeth. “Pleaze do not runz, this one doez not wish to hurt you.”

The slavers all draw their blasters aiming them for Saba. Their leader glares at her. “I think we have you outnumbered.”

Saba hisses her laughter. “This one is a Jedi, she is never outnumbered.”

As she is speaking, she notices her companion has snuck up behind the leader, and then with a snap-hiss his orange blade is beneath the man’s throat. Saba starts hissing her laughter again. “And as you can see, this one brought company.”

Saba activates the signal, calling in the Federation Defense Force waiting to take this group into custody. She stands there calmly watching the slavers, her tail occasionally twitching her amusement. Finally the security forces the two Jedi are working with, take the slavers into custody, and lift their ship off.

Saba turns toward her companion, a smile once more pulling her lips away from her teeth. “This was fun Jedi Zekk.”

Zekk looks at her, an odd glance that she is not quite sure how to translate. So deciding upon a course of action, she begins to stalk him. She allows her dorsal scales to lift slightly, showing her willingness, the bright red coloring of the ridges a distinct offset from the green of her scales.

She sees Zekk notice the dorsal fin. “Master Sabatyne, I’ve never noticed how red those scales are. They’re kind of pretty.”

Saba shivers with anticipation. “You like this one?”

Zekk gives her another of those funny looks. “Yeah, sure. I mean.” He stops, his face screwed up in thought.

Saba takes a step closer. She enjoys the hunt, in all its various permutations. “This one is pleased.”

She can hear the huskiness in her voice, and wonders why Zekk is not performing the proper rites in response. Deciding it’s just a difference in human and barabel culture, Saba decides to take the next step. She steps close to Zekk, becoming aggressive, dominant. “Would Jedi Zekk like to continue this?” She darts her tongue out, and then leans close to Zekk, her grin turning feral. “In a more…private setting?”

Zekk takes a step back. Saba smile grows wider at the sign of submission. Then she leans in and kisses him. Zekk lets out a sound of surprise and Saba pulls back, a frown flickering across her face. “Calm yourself Jedi Zekk, hunt the moment.

Then she leans in once more, drawing him to her, kissing her hard. Zekk at first does not, cannot respond, and then to his own surprise he does.

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