Cere Hollista leans back in her chair slightly, watching the man seated across from her. His dark brown hair is parted impeccably, and his tunic is cut along the current fashion lines out from Coruscant. Intelligent brown eyes are settled deep into his face, an aristocratic nose hangs over the thin lines of his lips almost like a beak. One side of his lips is curled slightly into a small half-smile, as if he is aware of some secret of the universe which Cere can never be privy to. His name is Jerod Pollit, and he is a high ranking officer in the Corellian government here to negotiate a treaty with BioTech Industries.
She allows her gaze to flicker over to Rand Shepherd, the Corellian agent introduced to her by the President of BioTech Industries just a few days ago, their contact into the sheltered world of Corellian politics. She notes that he has the same knowing half-smile etched onto his face.
Corellians, she thinks to herself. Out loud she says, "So, Mr. Pollit, what exactly can Corellia offer BioTech Industries?" What are you offering for us to side with you?
The half-smile never changes. "I think the more accurate question is what exactly is BioTech Industries after?"
"We want certain…guarantees."
His eyebrow arches, and amusement twinkles in his eyes. "Please remember that no government can guarantee you a profit."
"No. Not that. Nothing like that. BioTech Industries is on the verge of massive breakthroughs in the biotechnical arena." She stands up, and gestures towards a door along the far wall. "I'm certain Mr. Shepherd has discussed some of what we do with you, but I feel that our…dialogue would be helped with you having a greater understanding of our business needs and the sort of understanding we would be after from Corellia."
Pollit stands, his eyes still shining their amusement, and follows her from the room. They travel down a series of plain white corridors; anonymous white doors with small keypads beside them are set into the walls at regular intervals. They arrive at a turbolift whose doors are also painted white, with the only acknowledgement that these doors are different than the dozens they had passed being the blue and gold BioTech Industires logo painted on them. In silence they ride the turbolift, falling deep into the complex.
They step off the turbolift, and are standing in a dimly lit walkway. Tall pieces of shining metal display their reflections.
Mr. Pollit’s laugh echoes in the hallway slightly. “You came to show us ourselves?”
Inward, Cere seethes. She despises this Mr. Pollit, and Rand Shepherd for bringing him here.
“Not at all, Mr. Pollit. Observe.”
She pulls a small datapad from a pocket, and taps a few commands into it. The metal slowly becomes translucent to reveal a girl about fourteen standard years old. Her head has been shaven, and a long scar runs from just above her right eye over the top of her head. Around her neck is some spider type creature, its long legs wrapped tight around the girl’s throat, the things tail splayed down her spine.
Cere can feel herself smiling; this girl is one of the earliest and best successes. “She is X56L. We picked her up on Coruscant about three years ago. She is the fifty-sixth subject, and we use her to test implant languages. She currently is fluent in nine hundred and twenty seven distinct languages.”
Pollit leans closer to the window. “She can’t be of the age to consent to such treatment.”
Cere smiles widely. “And now you begin to see the types of guarantees we seek. Of most interest to you would probably be X954A. Come, come.”
She strolls down the hallway a little further, and taps a few more commands into her datapad. They stop, and see a young male Twi’lek, approximately 8 standard years old, he is dressed only in a simple loin cloth, and his lekku occasionally twitches. Cere taps a few more commands into her pad.
“We’ll be running a test on him in just a few moments.”
They watch in silence until the door into the chamber snaps open. A man dressed in the white utilities of a BioTech employee steps into the room, and pulls out a blaster. He aims the weapon towards the young boy, who scampers backwards away from the man. After a moment, the man pulls the trigger. The bolt of energy flies out and strikes the young Twi’lek knocking him backwards against the far wall.
Silence reigns on the observers, as the man in the chamber turns to leave. A few moments later, the Twi’lek boy stands up, brushing away the slight carbon scoring on his chest, anger flashes in his eyes as he watches the far door, and then he goes and slumps into a corner, drawing his knees to his chest, rocking slightly.
Pollit turns towards Cere, genuine interest shining in his eyes. “I take it that process works on other beings besides young Twi’lek children.”
“Indeed it does. We have the language grafts, the armor skin, and a host of new weapons based on Yuuzahn Vong biotechnology.”
“Yuuzhan Vong?”
“Oh yes. Four decades ago, the height of biotechnology was based on Kamonian cloning capabilities. The future, even though no one realizes it yet, is the integration of Yuuzhan Vong biots into everyday living. Everything from learning a new language to being able to withstand a blaster bolt at close range.” Cere spreads her hands wide, enjoying being able to speak about her work, even if it is with this insufferable Corellian. “We also have a host of new weapons – things which the Yuuzhan Vong had not considered as viable shaping paths, but we have developed. These include ranged as well as melee weaponry.”
Pollit strokes his chin in thought as he looks down at the young Twi’lek. For once that knowing, half-smile is gone; his face now betrays that he is deep in thought. “Corellia is very interested in what you are offering. These guarantees you speak of, would be blanket permission to experiment as you see fit, even on sapient beings?”
Cere nods her head slightly. “Exactly. If the Alliance learns of the types of testing we perform here, then it would not go well for us, or our shareholders.”
"I believe that we can make this work then. I believe my superiors on Corellia could easily be convinced to give rather free reign to businesses."
Cere smiles brightly for the man, and sticks out her hand. "Then it will be a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Pollit."
Tahiri slips into her thick, outer cloak, its worn frayed edges indicate just how old of a garment this truly is, and the fact that it is about two sizes too large shows that it was not hers initially. But Tahiri doesn't mind the frayed edges. She doesn't care about the number of times that she has had to patch the elbows or repair small holes in the robe.
There's a reason why it is too big for her, but she still wears it.
His name was Anakin, and he was her best friend. He was her family. He was home. She blinks back a tear at the memories, lifting the edge of the cloak to her nose and inhales deeply, straining for the memory of his smell. She knows beyond a doubt that her scent has long ago replaced his, yet every time she puts it on, she still tries to smell him, she still hopes and longs for his scent.
She sighs, and shakes her head, clearing away the old memories and desires, and looks up as Noelani steps into the room, dressed in a simple linen tunic and Corellian style pants. Tahiri gives her a bright smile, and watches as the girl stomps into a pair of Imperial-style boots, and then straightens up.
Her voice is almost musical. "I'm ready now, Master."
Tahiri turns around and walks out the door, Noelani quick on her heels. "So, what are we going to do tonight?"
"We're going to go eat some dinner."
Tahiri almost smiles at the sense of confusion that comes off the girl. "But, what about our mission? Don't we need to figure out what's going on?"
Tahiri bobs her head in an affirmative motion. "Yes we do. But how exactly is that more important than dinner?"
"Well…because it's why we're here."
"Okay, so tell me exactly what we're to do first?"
"Uhm…according to Master Skywalker, on these types of missions, we're supposed to see how people are acting by observing them."
Tahiri glances once at the younger girl and smiles. "That's right. Now how are we supposed to observe them?"
The silence stretches on as Noelani tries to remember the answers from her lessons, and Tahiri enjoys the relative quiet as they stroll down the dusty street. She allows her eyes to flicker back and forth, hunting for a dinner or a cantina that the Force tells her to stop at.
Finally, Noelani speaks again. "I..uhm.. I don't think Master Skywalker said."
"She didn't specify. That's because we're supposed to try and blend in, not be seen. And most of all, listen to the Force. Now for the blending in, what could be more normal than dinner?" She pauses at an Ithorian diner, the Force nudging her forward. She grins, and continues her lecture, "as for listening to the Force. Well the Force says we're having Ithorian tonight."
Tahiri doesn't see the face that Noelani makes at the pronouncement, but she can feel the flicker of emotion which drives it, and almost chuckles. "What's wrong Noelani? Don't like Ithorian?"
The girl sighs slightly. "I just like having a bit more…meat in what I eat."
"Well, we could always try to find a Yuuzhan Vong place. They specialize in meat…usually the raw kind."
Tahiri does laugh at the flicker of emotion at that pronouncement.
"No, no. Ithorian's fine, Master."
"Good. Now let's go in."
She pushes open the door and steps into the diner; instantly noting the giant artificial tree which makes up the main decoration of the restaurant. Surrounding the tree are a number of tables for different sized parties, each of them painted and carved to resemble the leaves still hanging from the branches.
She steps forward and a server droid rolls up and tells them to follow it. Without waiting for a reply, it spins on its single ball-foot and speeds towards a table for two near one of the walls.
They take their seats, and Tahiri glances around the room, trying to figure out why the Force brought her here. She allows her gaze to flicker from one patron to the next
Noelani's voice interrupts her thoughts. "Master?"
Tahiri focuses on the girl. "Yes, Noelani?"
She nods her head towards the corner over Tahiril's left shoulder. "Isn't that the BioTech Industries administrator who met us on the landing field?"
Tahiri gives a quick glance over her shoulder, and sees the severe looking woman from earlier. "Yes, it is. Do you see anyone else you recognize?"
The girl shakes her head no, and Tahiri enters her order into the holographic menu.
A few minutes later the serving droid rolls by and drops their plates off, then speeds back to the kitchens. They eat in silence, Tahiri still occasionally scanning the people. Then she feels a burst of fear from Noelani. She looks up from her plate to the younger girl, noticing that she has become white, and is staring at the far corner.
In the direction of the Biotech administrator.
She turns slightly in her seat, and glances back that way, and sees a massive mountain of a Yuuzhan Vong warrior. She notices that he is bent slightly and gesturing with his hands as he carries on a conversation with the administrator.
Then together they get up and leave the restaurant heading through the kitchen.
"Come on, Noelani." Tahiri stands up, and walks towards the kitchen, brushing through the doors without a sound just in time to catch the warrior and the administrator leaving the kitchen.
She darts forward, and hears Noelani right behind her and they push out through the back exit, the heavy metal door slamming against the building with a large bang which echoes through the alley.
Of the warrior and the administrator there are no signs.
Tahiri starts chewing on her lower lips as she thinks this through, and can feel Noelani’s eyes on her, waiting for Tahiri to tell her what to do next. Tahiri scans the sky one last time, then exhales loudly and places a hand on Noelani's shoulder.
"Come on; let's go back to the hotel."
Saturday, February 24, 2007
A Father's Blade: Chapter Six
6:22 PM
Labels: Father's Blade, Jedi Adept, Tahiri
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