Tahiri and Noelani step into the large, circular room of the Council Chambers. Stretched along half the wall are a dozen chairs, spaced fairly evenly apart. The high-arched marble ceiling dome is adorned with scenes of Jedi helping people. The marble floor has a mosaic of the Jedi crest done in pale blue and yellow.
It is a room which evokes both awe and humility in most of those who enter. It is, by its very nature, designed to evoke those feelings.
It just irks Tahiri.
She doesn't know why. There's no one particular thing about the room that she dislikes. It's everything and nothing, and it aggravates her more that she has such troubles placing her finger on the source of her discomfort regarding the room.
Shrugging it away, she glances at those gathered before them. Of the twelve members of the Council, only two masters are there in the flesh, Kyp Durron and Kam Salusar are settled in their cream-colored chairs and then a hologram of Corran Horn shimmers in his customary seat. All three of them smile at her and her apprentice as they step forward, stopping in the middle of the seats, standing squarely atop the starburst pattern of the Jedi sigil.
Tahiri bows to the Council, Noelani beginning her own a second after Tahiri. As she straightens, she notices the slight look which Kyp casts between the two other members of the Council. She just stands there, allowing her own gaze to flicker between the three older Jedi, perfectly content to wait for the Master's to speak first.
A slight cough from Noelani shows how far her apprentice has to go before she's reached that level of patience.
But the soft sound of distraction is enough to spur the Master's into motion. Kyp leans forward in his seat slightly, and Tahiri notices that his hair has grown out long in the back, the ends still jet black, an odd contrast to the grey that has begun to appear at his temples.
After a moment more, Kyp begins talking, "We have a mission for you. We have received reports that there's something odd going on with BioTech Industries, and that it may involve the Vo-Yuuzhan Vong."
Tahiri can feel one of her eyebrows lift slightly as she digests the mission information. "So because it involved the Yuuzhan Vong, you immediately thought to send me?"
Kyp laughs, his deep baritone echoes in the chambers. "Actually no. Since it may also involve the Wookies, we originally were going to send Jaina and Lowbacca. Unfortunately, they've been loaned out to the military, so we called you in."
"I don’t quite understand Shryiwook though."
Kam smiles for her. "That’s all right. The Jedi know a Wookiee who has a slight speech impediment which makes him easier to understand. If you have to deal with the Wookies, he will be your contact."
Tahiri glances over her shoulder at her apprentice for a second and then nodding her head once more faces the Council. "I was going to begin instructing Noelani in lightsaber creation, but I see no reason why we can’t take this mission first."
Even as she says this, she can feel the burst of frustration from the girl, and feel as it is quickly suppressed. Tahiri stops a smile from coming to her features, proud of the girl for keeping such control of her emotions.
Kam nods his head. "So you accept the mission?"
"Yes, we do."
Kam’s smile is bright and cheerful. "Good. Your ship is being prepped as we speak, and the datapack will be sent to your terminal. The planet you will be investigating will be Ambria. Please keep in contact with the Council."
Tahiri smiles at the slight admonishment, on her last mission, her apprentice was captured and she herself was wounded. Rather than telling the Council, she went off to rescue the girl herself - a decision which almost ended in disaster for the both of them. She bows her head slightly and says, "I will, Master."
"Very good."
Tahiri and Noelani bow again, and turn from the room, as soon as they step outside of the Council Chambers, Noelani lets out a long, slow hiss of breath. Her frustration and annoyance are unleashed and pool into the Force, bubbling around the two girls.
Tahiri looks at the girl, with a grin on her face. "Control yourself, Padawan. You’re leaking."
Noelani blushes red, lowering her head slightly. In the Force, her frustration and annoyance flicker to chagrin. "Sorry, Master. It’s just…I was looking forward to building my lightsaber."
"I know, and you will. But first we do this mission. But I will tell you what, we can take some time to scavenge for the parts you need while we’re on the mission. That will give you a chance to look at a few other worlds for ideas about what type of hilt you want."
The girl’s annoyance and chagrin blows away in the excitement of the new idea. A bounce returns to her steps and she turns her bright smile onto Tahiri once more. "Oh! Thank you, Master. That sounds like a great idea. I really hope they have some interesting things that I can look over. Did you know that Master Horn’s lightsaber use to be a throttle for a speeder bike? But I would really like to see Queen Mother Tenel Ka’s. It’s supposed to be a tooth!"
Tahiri just allows a grin to flicker to her face, allowing the girl’s stream of words to cross over her awareness as she nods, and makes small replies of acknowledgement in all the right places. For a second, she allows her mind to drift back to Anakin, and she wonders if this is how he felt all those years ago on Yavin.
Then she pulls herself away from that line of thought, not wanting to think about Anakin or the dream she had a few nights ago which featured him.
Then they arrive at their quarters, and each goes to their separate rooms to pack. As Noelani is about to enter her room, Tahiri calls out over her shoulder to the girl, "Remember, just Jedi outfits!"
She suppresses a laugh, as she hears the girl’s grumbles about the restriction.
Cere Hollista, at thirty-nine standard years, is one of the youngest people to be made a division head in BioTech Industries history. Yet, after working for the company for the past two decades, she now leads the company’s efforts here on Ambria. Directing their research, and ensuring that they stay profitable.
She stands in front of her mirror for a second. Ensuring that her black hair is still pulled tightly into its severe bun, and that there is not a hair out of place. Then she allows her eyes to flicker over her face, checking her makeup. She has a stern face, all angular lines and sharp planes, and she strives to maintain that. On her homeworld of Agumar, she would have been described as an "Old Maid," a woman who eschews aesthetic appearances to ward off the advances of those wishing to court. And if she was truthful to herself, that is why she does it, she has a firm belief that her position, her authority, and the obedience of her subordinates, dictate that she be as stern and harsh as possible, in both her physical appearance and how she deals with her underlings.
She pats down the sides of her black unisuit, checking the pockets to ensure she has her datapad and other paraphernalia which she carries with her. Beneath the blue and gold BioTech insignia, she clips her employee badge to the jumpsuit. The arcane symbols on the badge glow with a light of their own; a small droid brain resides on the device, an extra level of security for those working on the top-secret projects for BioTech Ambria.
She steps out of her office, and quickly walks down the hallway to the meeting room. She opens the door, a frown flickering over her face as she sees the Wookiee in charge of the Special Projects security leaning against the far wall, and a man that she does not know sitting next to Kar Illam, President of BioTech Industries.
"Good morning, Mr. Illam."
Kar stands up, and smiles at her; absently she notices that it doesn’t reach his eyes. "Cere, a pleasure to see you again, please join us here."
She nods her head, and settles into the seat opposite Kar and the other man. She gives the Wookiee a quick smile as he barks a greeting, and then turns her attention back to Kar as he returns to his own chair. "So, what can I do for you?"
Kar’s smile never leaves his face. It almost appears plastic in its insincerity. "I heard that you had trouble recently. That you almost lost a scientist."
Cere frowns, wondering what this might mean for her. "Almost is the operative word. Fortunately our security," and here she nods towards the Wookiee. "Kept it from happening."
Kar glances back at the Wookiee, and then to Cere. "That’s not what I heard happened. From my understanding, the Wookiee didn’t even get to see the bounty hunter, and you lost one of our…specialty guards."
She winces as the Wookiee growls a reply. Kar glances back at him. "I know it’s not your fault. The bounty hunter was a good one. I’m blaming Cere because she allowed knowledge of what’s going on here to escape."
Cere leans forward, a scowl coming to her face. "I don’t know what you’re talking about."
Kar smiles that fake smile again, and gestures to the man sitting beside him. "This is Rand Shepherd. BioTech Industries is siding with Corellia in the current crisis. We have decided that some of your special projects will be useful to their cause. He has full access. Is that clear?"
Cere grinds her teeth, wanting more than anything to say no. She glances at the Wookiee, noting the amusement shining in his blue eyes, and realizes that he agrees with this decision. That he supports the Corellians as well. Cere is enough of a politician to realize when she is outnumbered and to give in, so that she can fight in another way. She nods her head and replies, "Crystal, sir."
Kar claps his hands. "Wonderful! Now, I’m sure you two have plenty of things to discuss, so I’ll leave Mr. Shepherd here in your capable hands."
With that, Kar stands up and leaves the room. Cere looks between the Corellian, Rand, and the Wookiee, her stern face growing slightly sterner.
"Waroo, you will see to," she slightly stresses the next word, underlining the term of respect with a core of sarcasm, "Mr. Shepherd’s needs."
The Wookiee barks an affirmative, and Rand stands up, speaking for the first time.
"It was a pleasure, Director Hollista."
Cere nods her head, standing as well. Without saying another word, she turns away and walks out the door, retreating back to her office.
Saturday, February 3, 2007
A Father's Blade: Chapter Three
6:11 PM
Labels: Father's Blade, Jedi Adept, Tahiri
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