Sunday, March 15, 2009
I Want to be Your Knight - 36
A voice intruded into my nice comfortable darkness.
Groaning, I lifted my head and opened my eyes, frowning at how blurry the world was. Wiping my forehead, I pulled my hand away and saw it covered in blood. I looked over my shoulder and saw Seha and Jysella in the backseat, both safe and none the worse for wear.
"I'm okay," I mumbled as I pulled my lightsaber and slashed the gate which was wrapped around the driver's side of the speeder. I pulled out my comlink, clipped it to my collar and set up an autofeed to the Scion, programming the ship to send the data to the Jedi and Uncle Lando, if the com-connection shut off. Then I was climbing out of the speeder. As I rushed up the steps, I called over my shoulder, "Come on you two."
I kicked in the door, and there was the protocol droid, it's arm folding away to reveal a heavy repeating blaster.
My saber came up, as the blaster let loose, sending the bolts right back at the droid.
Then Jysella was dancing around me, her silver blade slashing in, and she cleaved the droid into two. I didn't give it a second thought, but instead reached out with the Force, hunting for Administrator Koo.
I felt her Force presence a short distance away, and began running down the hall. "This way," I called out, and then used the Force to really run.
Within moments, I had burst into a hanger. I noticed a few things as I entered. The first was the yacht that was obviously warming its engines.
Next was Casa and immediately to her right was another girl about the same age. Both were obviously frightened as they were sitting perfectly still in chairs, and right behind each were two security droids.
Droids which began shooting as soon as I stepped into the hanger.
I cursed, as I dove to the side with the realization that I couldn't risk deflecting the bolts back because they might hit the girls. I rolled behind some crates, and glanced at the door noticing that Jys and Seha hadn't come through yet.
I sent them an image of what I was seeing over our training bond, and hoped they'd catch onto what I was doing. Then Koo was standing on the edge of the gangplank, and called out, "Bring the girls, and kill Whitesun."
"No!" I screamed as I jumped to my feet and threw my saber towards Koo. The Chadra-fan yelped and dropped to the ground as my blade slashed through the support struts for the gangplank--knowing that would be enough for it to fail launch protocols.
I was running after the saber, when a series of bolts stuttered across my path. I threw myself backwards, and away from the bolts. Where are you two? I sent over the training bond.
To get a wave of amusement, tinged slightly with Jys' sense of humor coming back to me.
Then one of the droids let out an electronic squeal. I looked that way and saw Seha behind a droid the one immediately behind Cassa, her saber extending from its chest.
Then Jysella took out the droid holding the other girl.
With a grin, I stretched out my hand and flicked with the Force. The two remaining droids flew against the wall, slamming into it hard enough to break.
Recalling my saber, I turned on Koo. "Hello Administrator. It's a pleasure to see you again."
I forced myself to not laugh as the diminutive alien glared at me. Koo's gaze flicked from me towards the girls and then back. "How... who?"
I shrugged, ignoring her questions as I slipped a pair of stun-coughs on her wrists. Then I turned and walked over to Seha and Jysella. "How're they?"
Seha looked at me, concern flickering over her face. "Physically they're fine, but they just keep repeating hyperspace coordinates."
I sighed. "I was afraid of that. Apparently, Koo over there has been shoving, at least Cassa's head full of astronavigation programming instead of the standard primary education that she was supposed to be getting."
Both Jys' and Seha's faces hardened, as their eyes flickered over to the administrator. I chuckled as I felt Koo's Force presence flare in fear.
We turned and saw a squad of the planetary security forces entering the hangar, their blasters drawn.
Koo began to chuckle, and I shot a glance at her. She instantly quieted.
Jysella spoke. "Hello Officer, we're Jedi Knights."
The officer in lead didn't drop his blaster. "I know what you three are, what I don't know is why you're here."
"To find and rescue this child," I quickly explained. "Administer Koo filed an missing persons report on her, despite the fact that he had secreted her away from her parents. Additionally, he modified her education program, in effect turning her into an astromech."
Still, I found myself staring down the barrel of that blaster. "I think we'll just take all of you down to headquarters to sort this out."
"As you say, Officer," I replied as I nodded my head, and with the Force, shut off my comlink.
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8:13 PM
Labels: Ben Skywalker, I Want to be Your Knight, Jysella
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