Saturday, March 28, 2009
I Want to be Your Knight - 37
After a long, uneventful ride, we were separated and pushed into interrogation cells. Mine was a moderately sized room, with a one-way transparent window, a large metal table bolted onto the floor and two plastic, non-conform chairs.
It was as unappealing room as possible, one designed to affront the sensibilities as wide of a range of beings as possible.
I could feel the girls' Force presences. Their emotions were cold, black stains on the Force. A mixture of anger, frustration and impatience. They worried me a bit, but after a wait of two hours, I was less concerned about them, and more about what was going to happen. As the door opened, I brought my focus back to the here and now.
The being that entered through the door was another Chadra-fan. The diminutive alien laid a datapad onto the desk, as well as a folder thick with flimsiplast documents. He looked at his datapad for a moment, before focusing on me.
"Well, Mr. Skywalker, it seems that you have a problem."
I arched an eyebrow at that. As far as I was aware, I didn't have any problems at all. "And how do I have a problem?"
"Well, first there's the breaking and entering at the academy, the destruction of private property, and accosting Administrator Koo. Oh, yes, and I can't forget the counterfeit identifications."
I chuckled. "Now I know you're just reaching. I don't carry any counterfeit identities."
"So you're Ben Whitesun?"
"No, I am Ben Skywalker, but that doesn't make those identities counterfeit."
I felt a twinge in the Force from Seha, and looked off to my right where I could feel her presence. My danger sense suddenly shifted into overdrive.
"We'll see," the interrogator replied, as he consulted his notes again. "Tell me again, why you accosted Administrator Koo?"
i sighed, and leaned back slightly in my chair. I knew he knew all of this. I also knew that he was hoping that my story would change. "He was using them as navigation computers in order that he could find that legendary treasure that the school's founder had hidden."
"See, this is what I don't understand. Why wouldn't he just use his ship's navicomp?"
I laughed. "If you're trying to trick me, you've got to work harder than that. As planetary security you should be aware that all Navicomps are required to record the destinations that they travel to."
I fought to keep a frown off my face as Seha's Force presence twinged again.
"That's interesting, as the Investigators noticed that yours lacks that particular feature."
"And I'm sure that you noticed I have an Official Variance signed off by both the Director of Intelligence and the Jedi. Order."
The Chadra-fan grunted and opened up the folder as that twinge in the Force shifted to an inferno.
I focused on the interrogator, knowing that whatever was coming, was nearly here. "So, tell me why you're protecting Administrator Koo's abuse of those two girls?"
The Chadra-fan immediately started sputtering. "I-I resent the impli-"
"Enough!" I interrupted, as I pushed back in my chair.
The Chadra-fan's eyes widened at my sudden movement. Just as a blast of red plasma erupted through the one-way transparisteel slashing through where I had just been.
I felt a feral grin come to my face. "You resent the implications, huh?"
The Chadra-fan's eyes widened, and I flicked my fingers at him, sending him tumbling against the wall. Hard enough for his body to leave an imprint.
Then the Force wailed and Seha's Force presence erupted in pain.
Growling, I reached out with the Force and grabbed the being on the far side of the mirror. The one who had taken a potshot at me. Once I had him, I pulled him to me.
The Nikto arrived on my side of the mirror unconscious and sporting a dozen wounds bleeding freely. I dropped him, and then turned my attention to the door. With another flick of the Force it was off its hinges and I was running down the hall.
I turned a corner and saw two stormtroopers of all things, in dark, reddish armor, standing at the end of the hallway by the lift. One was carrying Seha.
The other one opened up with his repeater and realizing that I lacked my lightsaber, I dived back around the corner.
A few moments later the blaster bolts stopped. I peeked around the corner and saw nothing. Frowning, I reached out and found Jysella and went to get her out of her interrogation room.
She was standing there, her arms crossed, a bruise forming on her right temple and a scowl on her face as I ripped the door from its hinges.
"Took your kriffing sweet time I see," she snarled at me.
I shook my head. "Sorry, I was trying to get to Seha."
Pushing past me, she walked towards the lift. "And you let them take her?"
I followed, feeling my frustration growing. "It's not like I had a blaster or a lightsaber, and they were shooting at me."
She didn't even bother to look at me as she responded. "You're a Jedi, you shouldn't let something like blaster bolts stop you."
"Well, not all of us can absorb them you know," is what I wanted to say. What came out, was, "The next time someone's shooting at us, why don't you show me how it's done then."
We got on the lift, and she finally looked at me. The anger bright and clear in her eyes. "I just bet you'd like that. You'd finally get to finish the job that you started all those years ago."
I felt like someone had kicked me in the stomach.
Actually, a kick in the stomach would have been a step up from what I was feeling.
"Jys..." I began, but let it trail off with the realization that there was nothing I could say.
With a ding, the lift doors opened, revealing a dozen planetary security officers circling around three idiots playing with our lightsabers.
I glanced over at her. "Should we save them before they cut something off of themselves?"
She glowered at me for a moment, before turning her attention to the guards. "Nope. Let them cut off a leg or something. They'll be more cautious for it."
I chuckled, and turned back to watch the three, just as the alarm, probably announcing our escape, blared. True to my expectations, one of the men slipped, and sliced off the leg of one of the guards as they panicked.
I pulled Jysella to the side, and hid us in the Force, as most of the guards rushed to the lift and the stairs. That left us with three to take care of, plus the injured one.
Two took up stations near the door, while the third was giving first aid to the idiot without a leg.
I glanced at Jysella, and nodded. Subtly I used the Force to bring us the sabers as she moved closer to the lift.
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9:50 PM
Labels: Ben Skywalker, I Want to be Your Knight, Jysella
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