Friday, August 4, 2006

Themed Drabbles Set 5


He can smell the rain on the air. He turns to his companion, noticing that the wind has picked up her red hair, and tossing it around her face. Still her green eyes watch him intently. He turns back to the Dantari standing near him as he kneels in front of the large native. His actions are both submissive and dominant, and confuse the chieftain. He gives a quick glance back towards her.

He grins at her.

Her lips twitch, more than a smirk, less than a smile.

It is all she ever gives him.

It is more than enough.


It is a sickening crunching sound. The sound that a Dacian sweet crab makes when you snap its shell. Except louder and more intense. His feet glide over the boulder, snapping down on the legs of the warrior the rock now rests on top of. Anakin grins as he advances towards the other warrior. He can feel her advancing towards him at a fast clip, and worry springs anew in his heart.

He needs to finish this before she gets here.

He feints towards the warrior, who falls for it, letting Tuber go.

Anakin grins, and lunges, attacking once again.


He touches her forehead, a fire burning in her flesh, as her feverish green eyes stare at him in obvious delirium. He brushes her hair away from her face, worry for her coloring his perceptions and feelings.

He glances around, ensuring that his passage through the woods leaves no trails.
After another moment’s rest, he pulls her to her feet, and helps her along as they retreat further into the woods. The first drop of rain is cold as it slams against his shoulder. She trembles as a drop hits her.

He looks to the sky as it opens up.


She tastes delicious.

With an effort he banishes the thought, as he pulls his face away from hers where it lays on the ground. He places his hands, one atop the other, above her heart, and begins compressions. After a few compressions, he draws a breath and presses his lips against hers, blowing air into her lungs, giving her body a chance to restart itself after her disease attacked her heart. His hands go back to her chest.

“Please don’t die, Aunt Mara.”

A tear falls from his face to her chest. With a gagging cough, she jerks into awareness.


As her eyes focus on him, he smiles. She sits up and he throws his arms around her, crushing her to him.

A cough and he eases his grip on her. She struggles to stand, and he follows. As she speaks her voice is rough and scratchy. “Come on, let’s go.”

He wants to object, to remind her that she had just had a heart attack, but the looks she gives him kills the words before they can ever get out. She takes a step forward, and then throws a look over her shoulder, stretching out her hand to him.

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