The dream again.
The river. The water crashing against her, against him. The rain pelting them. Hard. Driving. Hailstones bruising their flesh. He looks to her, her hair hanging limp and wet, framing her face. Her mouth is moving but the storm steals her words away. He glances towards the river, the bow of the small raft they are both in just in time to see the wave.
It crashes against them, tossing them into the river. He tries to swim over to her as she struggles to stay afloat.
Anakin bolts awake, his chest heaving as he looks around.
He lifts the Massassi thigh bone above his head.
Her eyes flash in the light of his make-shift torch. Awed she looks around her, at the decrepit temple they have found themselves in.
In awe, he watches the fire as it flickers highlights into and through her hair.
He can feel a grin start to twist his features as her eyes settle on him. A fire flashing in them that has little to do with the torch in his hand. He gestures towards the stairwell leading down.
With a small smile she takes the first hesitant step into the dark.
His eyes travel the scene before him. Yellow silicates. Sand. As far as the eyes can see, surrounding them.
The heat of the twin suns washing down upon them both.
The sand whips around them. Gritty. Stinging. He turns his back to the wind, to look at her, and is amazed. The wind whips her hair around her face; her chin is tucked down to protect her eyes. Yet for all the buffeting of the wind, and the instability in the dunes, she walks calmly and strongly.
Confidant and at home in the sand and wind.
He thinks her amazing.
Air. After all their adventures, everything they had done together, his rescue of her, to think they would die from something as ignoble as lack of air. She looks up at him, and decides that it will be a fine way to die.
Trapped in this locker with him, with just a small broken air cycler to keep them both alive. She knows she is babbling something, but is not really paying attention. Until his voice cuts in.
"But I'd rather be here with you,"
Her mind stops as she turns to face him. Could he? Would he? Why now?
She loves him at the same time that she hates him.
His indomitable will, his spirit, is going to get him killed. As he struggles with his wounds, that spirit is all that keeps him going.
As she watches him slowly bleed, slowly die, his unconquerable spirit is all that is keeping her going. And now he’s going to go and get himself killed.
She leans in close, wanting to kiss him. Wanting nothing more than to drag him away with her. She feels her tears gathering. She blinks them away.
"No - for that, you have to come back."
Friday, August 11, 2006
Themed Drabbles Set 6
5:41 PM
Labels: A/T, Anakin Solo, Drabbles, Tahiri
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